Teen yoga

Children’s teenage years are the best yet the most challenging part of their lives.

There is a lot happening… their body is changing, dealing with growing up, social changes, school and sport demands are present. It is a lot to cope with for a 10-12year old.

During our 6 weeks term teen yoga, we do practice Hatha yoga asanas (postures), different breathing techniques and yogis will be introduced to relaxation and meditation.

Yoga has many benefits for teens:

  • Reduces stress & anxiety
  • Improves optimism
  • Improves focus & school performance
  • Strengthens self-esteem and healthy body image
  • Improves balance and body awareness
  • Improves flexibility and stamina
  • Calms the mind from running thoughts

Age group: 10-14 years.

Our next teen yoga course is under scheduling.
If you would like to sign up your little one(s), please use our direct contacts, such as our mobile phone or email address.

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