Tender and loving touch helps babies to relax and promotes overall development.
The aim of our infant massage classes is to provide a warm, supportive & inclusive environment to families of all kind. A space where babies and parents/caregivers can nurture love & connection, be present not just physically but emotionally.
Baby massage is a fantastic way to get to know your new baby. The nurturing touch of baby massage is a unique, unspoken language between baby and mum/parents and has scientifically proven long-lasting benefits.
Baby massage has a positive effect on the development of the baby’s nervous system, brain formation, and biochemicals, such as hormones and neurotransmitters. A regular practice has a direct impact on the mind and body of both babies and parents.
Benefits of baby massage
For Baby:
Interaction – undivided attention of Mum/Parent, promoting secure attachment, verbal & nonverbal communication between baby and Mum/Parents, enhancing the bonding process. Love.
Stimulation – aids physiological and overall development of baby, including neurological and muscular development.
Relaxation – regular infant massage aids digestion, improves sleep and increases mobility. Relaxation aids hormonal balance which promotes healthy brain development.
Relief – massaging your baby can help with gas, constipation, and colic, muscular tension, and discomfort of teething. It helps to release physical and emotional tension.
For Parents:
Infant massage enhances parenting and the release of endorphins and oxytocin. Balanced hormones mean relaxed parents. It means you are “being present”, here and now, not just physically but emotionally, and focusing and meeting the needs of your baby.
Pictures are shared with parental consent! Thank you very much to all parents!
Our baby massage classes are held over 5 consecutive Saturdays. Daddies and extended family are more than welcome especially for multiples. The classes are completely baby led…crying, feeding, and changing are all welcome and you are supported to meet your baby’s needs.
Essentials for the classes:
Foldable changing mat
Light baby blanket & muslin cloth
Anything you would use for feeding and nappy changing (our changing facility is always available)
Comfortable clothing & water for parents
Our next 5-weeks course starts on Saturday, 18th of January, 11.30am – 12.45pm. Bring-home manual and massage oil are provided to encourage continuing the practice at home. Both parents are welcome! Booking is essential!
Price: €130/ 5 Sessions
We are a registered member of Baby Massage Ireland. Most Insurance companies refund up to €100 of the cost of a baby massage course. Please check in with your provider!
Infant massage classes are available from the comfort of your own home. If you wish to avail of this option, or have any questions, please email us below. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
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