
meet your 

“She believed she could, so she did.” – R.S.Grey

As a yoga instructor with over 3000 teaching hours experience my passion is to introduce you to the benefits of yoga. Your practice with me is safe and trauma sensitive. I am honoured to guide you on your journey.

Starters' Yoga - Nikoletta Pataki

Nikoletta Pataki

I first met yoga in 2010, and I simply practiced for the movement aspect of it. I fell in love with it and knew I’d love to teach.

I completed my 200 hr hot vinyasa yoga teacher training in 2017-2018. It was an amazing journey. Still is.

I was 35 when I got diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and it stopped me from sports of all kinds. The swelling, constant pain, and stiffness gave me a hard time. I found that period very frustrating and I felt helpless. Living with a condition that puts a limitation on your movement now and then is challenging, but yoga helped me to come so far I have probably never imagined.

Yoga taught me self-care, gentleness, acceptance, modification, and most of all patience.

I am a qualified Yoga Therapist. I am also trained in trauma-sensitive, restorative, pre and postnatal, and kids and teen yoga.

Meeting new people and introducing them to the benefits of yoga is a privilege and I am very passionate about it.

I taught chair yoga classes at North Co. Dublin Nursing Home and trauma-sensitive yoga at an Eating Disorder Centre in Sutton. Currently, I am a physiotherapy student at Trinity College Dublin, also running my classes in The Yoga Lodge.

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