Our prenatal yoga class is designed, to empower and support women.
Prepare the mind to trust the body in the most natural experience in the world.
This class is available from 12 weeks gestation on. Some of the many benefits of prenatal yoga:
improves posture & stamina
supports the changing body
increases strength and flexibility
reduces stress & anxiety
improves the quality of sleep
boosts your immune system
decreases lower back pain, nausea
prepares for labor and delivery
promotes connection with baby
The aim of our class is to prepare the body-mind-soul for birth.
You’ll learn different breathing techniques and poses to support the body during labor (birth ball & chair). You will feel confident and strong. Knowing your options and what is going to happen. No previous yoga experience is needed.
Classes are on every Saturday at 10 am or can be arranged as a 1 on 1 session.
Our class provides a safe and positive environment for Mums/Parents to relax, connect, communicate, and move.
The class is open to families of all kind. If and when Mum can not be present for whatever reason, daddies, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and caregivers are more than welcome in the class.
This class is baby-led, feeding, crying, and comforting are always priority. One part of the class will allow you to regain strength and maintain good posture; toning abdominal muscles, focusing on pelvic floor health, and relaxation. Physical activity helps to cope with the everyday role of being a new Mum/Parent, and it energizes you mentally.
In another part of the class, we will focus on Baby. We introduce gentle movements, soft-touch, and singing; encouraging language, and listening, secure bonding.
This class also provides the opportunity for one-to-one quality time with Mum/Parent while socializing in a small group. Expect fun, laughter, singing, and the release of happy hormones.
The class is suitable from the doctor’s check-up (6-12 weeks after delivery), up to baby’s crawling stage (7-10 months).
With our tips we would like to help new families back to social interaction. All at your own pace, when you and baby feel ready. The list of providers are coming from mums who have had a fantastic experience with these services, and are highy recommended, age appropriate & within close proximity to Rush.
Jo Jingles are offering fun music, singing & movement classes for babies & pre-school children
Location: Rush Community Centre
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