
take a look at our


take a look at our

The Yoga Lodge is a cozy, intimate studio in the heart of Rush, North Co Dublin.

Our mission is to introduce you to the benefits of yoga and to guide you on your journey. We provide you with the opportunity of movement whether you are just about to start your regular practice or you are an advanced practitioner.

We are here for you!

We are offering a wide range of yoga classes from gentle Hatha to warm slow flow, Vinyasa to Restorative yoga. Our Classes are available in studio, live online, and on South Beach, Rush.

Pre,- and postnatal yoga classes, infant massage courses are part of our schedule. Looking after postnatal Mums, families of all kind and provide them with the oportunity of connection and sense of community is a privilege.

We do offer Yoga Therapy, one on one sessions.

We are very proud of our community and grateful for the local support we have received since opening!



If you have any enquiries or you’d like to know more about something, please don’t hesitate and contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Email: info@theyogalodge@gmail.com

Phone: +353 87 153 2853

Leinster House, 50-52 Upper Main St, Rush, Dublin, K56 R624

Opening Hours:
Mon: 5 pm – 8.15 pm
Tue: closed
Wed: 6.30 pm – 9.45 pm
Thu: 6.30 pm – 8.15 pm
Fri: 6.30 pm – 9.45 pm
Sat: 9.30 am – 12.45 pm
Sun: closed

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