yoga is for everyone

Smile! Yoga is for Everyone!

Welcome to Our Website!

The Yoga Lodge is a cozy, intimate studio in the heart of Rush, North Co Dublin.

Our mission is to introduce you to the benefits of yoga and to guide you on your journey. We provide you with the opportunity of movement whether you are just about to start your journey or you are an advanced practicioner.

We are here for you!

We are providing a wide range of yoga classes from MEN Only yoga to gentle Hatha, vinyasa to restorative yoga. We are offering prenatal yoga & baby massage to new families of all kind. Trauma sensitive classes are availbale as part of 1 on 1 yoga therapy sessions. Our classes are accessible & inclusive and available in studio and on South Beach, Rush.



explore our

Studio Yoga
Anytime Online Practices
Men Only
MEN Only Yoga
South Beach Yoga
Yoga Therapy - Nikoletta Pataki
Yoga Therapy
prenatal yoga
Prenatal Yoga
Functional Yoga
baby massage Classes
Baby Massage


of yoga

  • improves spine/joint mobility and maintains good posture
  • improves overall body strength, flexibility and balance
  • improves sleep quality
  • helps wit lower back pain
  • reduces inflammation and chronic pain
  • relieves anxiety and depression
  • improves breathing and lung capacity
  • boosts your immune system
  • decreases stress
  • improves heart health
  • aids hormonal balance
  • improves overall quality of life
  • helps with symptoms of PMS and aids fertility
  • relieves symptoms of peri menopause and menopause
  • promotes healthy eating habits
  • delays agingĀ  and prevents the onsetĀ  of many different diseases


UpcomingĀ Ā 

Restorative Yoga Workshop

Our signatureĀ 2-hour restorative yoga workshop will run again onĀ Sunday, February 16th,Ā fromĀ 2 to 4 pm. It will be the last one of 2024. We aim to slow down, reset, and rest in a safe and supportive setting. Relaxation and nurturing mental health are equally vital as being active. This workshop is about softening, letting go, relaxing as the practice develops, recharging,Ā and finding inner space, and balance.

The goal is to feel no tension in the body at all. Think of candles, props, blankets, eye pillows, and soft, relaxing music. All welcome – Booking is essential.

Things to know for your first time in

The Lodge


  • Online booking is essential to attend a class. Booking/payment/cancellation can be made via our website, Mindbody website or app
  • Arrive 10-15 minutes early to fill out our health consent form
  • Put your shoes on the shelf and hang up your coat/belongings
  • Turn off/mute your phone
  • Take the props what you need for the practice and choose your mat
  • We provide the yoga mats, each and every one of them is sanitised!
  • Please AVOID stepping on the other mats, even if they are not occupied upon your arrival.Ā 
  • Make yourself comfortable and allow your mind to arrive to the mat. Slowly let go of the outside world and the running thoughts
  • Classes start on time. No entry after class start time!
  • Be kind to your body! Recognise its limitations and appreciate its potential. Yoga is a journey!Ā 
  • Clean your mat after the class with the spray provided. AVOID stepping back on the sanitiesd mat. If it may happen, please clean the mat again
  • Wipe the equipment you have been using during the class and put them away (Blocks, Bricks, Blanket, Eye-Pillow, Bolster)
  • Avoid heavy meals at least 2 hours before practice
  • Bring your bottle of water.
  • Please refrain from attending class if you experience flu like symptoms, such as cough, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of taste/smell.
  • Studio cleaning protocol is in place to comply with C19 related and general hygiene requirements.

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